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”Next-Gen” Agent Experiences at Goodman Real Estate Services Group LLC

Joe and tristan

July 11, 2023 – As the commercial real estate industry continues to evolve, so does the agent experience. Two of our newer sales associates, Joe Belinske and Tristan Palmieri, sat down to describe their experiences as next-generation agents in the industry so far.

Joe Belinske – Sales Associate

Recently, I have been actively involved in both tenant representation and landlord representation.

On the tenant representation side, I have been working closely with clients such as Tropical Smoothie, Freddy’s Steak Burgers, Sweat Houz, and Big Chicken. My responsibilities include assisting them in finding suitable locations for their businesses and negotiating lease agreements on their behalves.

Regarding landlord representation, I have been dedicated to seeking out potential tenants to occupy our available spaces. This involves proactive measures such as cold calling and sending marketing emails to connect with prospective tenants and showcase the properties we represent.

Throughout these experiences, I have learned several valuable lessons. For example, effective communication and relationship-building skills are very important in real estate. Also, you need to be patient but also persistent in this industry.

When I recently attended the ICSC Las Vegas national convention, it was initially overwhelming. Navigating through the vast convention center posed a challenge; but once I found my bearings, it was an incredibly rewarding experience. Witnessing the diverse range of tenants and having the opportunity to generate business for Goodman Real Estate Services Group was truly remarkable. Additionally, I greatly enjoyed meeting brokers from Columbus and establishing new connections within the industry.

Overall, my first ICSC experience was a positive one. It provided me with a deeper understanding of the retail industry, allowed me to explore new business opportunities, and reinforced the importance of networking and building relationships. One key takeaway from the event is the significance of adapting to the ever-changing retail landscape and staying connected with industry professionals to foster future collaborations and success.

P.S. One of the hardest challenges I faced at ICSC Las Vegas was hanging onto the bar for 100 seconds. I did not think I was going to pull it off, but I powered through the pain and won $100.

Tristan Palmieri – Sales Associate

Real estate has always been the constant in my professional journey, but joining Goodman Real Estate Services Group certainly feels like the defining moment to this point. In eight months, I’ve absorbed a staggering amount of knowledge. I must admit that initially the experience felt like trying to drink from a fire hydrant. While my background in construction project management and tenant build outs provided a solid foundation, understanding the fundamentals of any sales role requires true mentorship.

This mentorship has been evident from my first days in the office. Working alongside Zack Sogoloff and Seth Marks is a privilege in my new career at Goodman. This paired with having the opportunity to serve our long-standing clients, even in a modest capacity, has been incredible.

Currently I’m working on 18 properties in Northeast Ohio, most of which are major shopping centers anchored in suburban communities. Notable projects include, but are not limited to, Avon Commons, Eastgate Shopping Center, Harvard Park, The Plaza at Chapel Hill, and Willoughby Commons. Recently I have begun to work on the tenant side of our business as well. I am currently representing The UPS Store and Edward Jones Financial in their new site searches. I anticipate taking on more tenant representation work as I progress.

The highlight of my experience to this point was certainly attending the ICSC Las Vegas show. My feet could not carry me fast enough as I raced through the convention halls, trying to talk to as many retail users as possible. I have never been to such a large networking event with professionals from every corner of the industry. The ICSC experience honestly went by so fast, it almost felt like a whirlwind. My biggest take aways were learning how to describe the Cleveland market to those not familiar and the fine line between a deal being executed within the convention hall as opposed to the deal dying then and there.

Something that I did not anticipate was seeing a city like Cleveland that I have known my entire life through a new lens. I’m eager for the opportunities that are ahead of me, both professionally and personally. As I continue to grow and refine my skill set, I’m confident that my journey as a retail broker in Northeast Ohio holds great promise with Goodman.

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